Minimizing Temper Tantrums: Giving Your Toddler Choices
by Rachel Paxton Oh, the terrible two's. As a mom of twin toddlers, I wasn't particularly looking forward to my boys turning two. As their third birthday approaches, I now realize that it wasn't really as bad as I had been expecting. I don't think temper tantrums can ever be eliminated completely, but there are some things you can do to minimize and sometimes even avoid them. One of the best ways I have found to avoid a toddler tantrum is by giving my boys choices. When you give your toddler a choice, he feels like he has some control over the situation, and is much less likely to throw a fit to get his way. This solution does have a catch, however. When you are giving your toddler a choice between two options, don't offer him anything you don't want to give him. At this young age, they don't yet understand that you are in fact getting them to do what you wanted in the first place. Yet, they think it was their idea. (You have to be sneakier about ...