
Showing posts from 2006

Pastor Daniel Shanks: Salvation in Christ

"Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me" -John 5:39 The Lord Jesus Christ referred to the Old Testament when He said, "the Scriptures.. .testify of me." Speaking of the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis-Deuteronomy),Jesus said that Moses "wrote of me" (John 5:46). After His resurrection, Jesus met two of His disciples and encouraged them by saying, "All things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the Prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me" (Luke 24:44). When you read the Old Testament, look for promises about Jesus Christ - He is the Seed who crushes Satan's head; He is the Lamb of God; He is the Prophet we must listen to; He is the Priest who offers Himself up to God; He is the King who rules His people. In the New Testament, the Gospel has come and commands us to believe in Christ, the One that God promised in the Old Testament and ...

The Word of Salvation Sent to Sinners - Part Five

IV. The last general head proposed was: To make application of the subject. Is it so, that the gospel, as a word of salvation, is sent to every sinner that hears it? Then, 1. Hence see the kindness of God in Christ to sinners of mankind. Why hath he made such a difference between sinning men and sinning angels? There was never a word of salvation sent to angels that sinned; no not one word; "They are reserved in chains, to the judgment of the great day"; but it was sent unto mankind; "To you, O men, do I call; and my voice is to the sons of men"; "To you is the word of this salvation sent." 2. See what a valuable book the Bible is, which contains this word of salvation. O Sirs, how ought we to search the Scriptures: for, in them we think, and think aright when we do so, that we have eternal life and salvation conveyed to us? Why, they testify of Christ: and we ought especially to search out the words of eternal life; the words of salvation that lie there. ...


HOW TO FACE YOUR FUTURE SECTION 10 - JAMES 4:13-17 (James 4:13) Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; The bible doesn't condemn making a legitimate profit. The bible talks a lot about planning too. This man has planned everything. His purpose, the place, the progress. He's got all the bases covered. What's wrong here? James says the first common mistake we make is planning without God. There's not a single mention of God in this entire business plan. He knew what he wanted, he knew how to get there, but he didn't check it out with God first. Make no misunderstand the bible talks about planning. No man goes out and builds a house without first considering how much it's going to cost. And the book of Proverbs says over and over again that if I don't plan I'm a fool. It's wise to plan, he not talking about planning, he's talking about presumption ...

The Word of Salvation Sent to Sinners: Part Four

III. To the third general head proposed, viz., To speak of the sending of this word. Here it may be enquired, from whom, by whom, to whom it is sent; and for what purpose? 1. From whom is it sent? Why, it is a word of salvation sent from the God of salvation, to whom belong the issues from death; and it carries the impress of himself upon it. As the word is God's word, so it is of God's sending, "He sent his word and healed them," Psalm 107:20. 2. By whom is it sent? It is not sent by angels, but by men; "We are ambassadors for Christ," II Corinthians 5:20. It is true, God sent his word first by Christ, "He so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, might not perish, but have everlasting life," John 3:16. Then Christ sends it by men, that we may not be afraid at his appearance, as Is-rael were of old; "We have this treasure in earthen vessels," II Corinthians 4:7. 3. To whom is it that he sent...

The Word of Salvation Sent to Sinners: Part Three

II. The second head proposed was: To speak of the word of salvation, which I may do by answering these four questions. QUESTION 1: What is the word of salvation? ANSWER: Not the law, but the gospel; this is that which is the power of God to salvation, Romans 1:16. Whatever discovers Christ, and salvation through him, is the gospel. QUESTION 2: Why is it called the word of salvation? ANSWER: Because it discovers salvation; it describes salvation; it conveys salva-tion, as a charter does an estate, or as a testament does a legacy; it offers salvation; it establishes a connection betwixt faith and salvation to all sinners of mankind, for, "He that believeth shall be saved"; and because it is the organ or instrument by which the Spirit applies salvation. QUESTION 3: How does the word operate in the hand of the Spirit, when believed unto salvation? ANSWER: It operates as seed cast into the ground: it operates as rain and dew; "My doctrine shall drop as the dew, and distil ...

The Word of Salvation Sent to Sinners: Part Two

I. We shall speak a little of this salvation, and consider what it supposes, and what it implies. 1. What this salvation supposes, namely, misery. Our miserable state by nature is a state of alienation and estrangement from God. We are without God, and are alienated from the life of God; aliens from the commonwealth of Israel. It is a state of enmity; for, "The carnal mind is at enmity against God"; we are in actual rebellion against him. It is a state of darkness and ignorance; we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. A state of bondage to sin, Satan, and the world, and divers lusts; we are fettered and imprisoned, led captive. It is a state of impotence: we are, by nature, without strength; we cannot so much as ask deliverance: "We are not sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves." It is a destitute state, a pit wherein there is no water; a comfortless state, a bewildered state, a cursed and condemned state; for "He that believeth not, is con...


BE WISE ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS Background Passages: Proverbs 12:16,18-19; 14:17,22,29; 15:1,18; 16:28,32; 17:9,14,17,19; 20:3; 19:11; 22:24-25,25:15; 26:21; 28:23 Lesson Passages: Proverbs 12:18; 28:23; 15:1; 25:15; 12:19; 16:28; 17:9; 14:17,29; 15:18; 20:3; 16:32; 19:11; 22:24-25; 12:16; 17:14,19; 26:21; 14:22; 17:17 BIBLICAL SETTING 1. Choose Your Words (Proverbs 12:18; 28:23; 15:1; 25:15; 12:19; 16:28; 17:9) 2. Control Your Temper (Proverbs 14:17,29; 15:18; 20:3; 16:32; 19:11) 3. Consider Consequences (Proverbs 22:24-25; 12:16; 17:14,19; 26:21; 14:22; 17:17) OUTLINE 1. Choose Your Words Carefully (Proverbs 12:18; 28:23; 15:1;25:15; 12:19; 16:28; 17:9) 2. Cultivate Patience (Proverbs 14:17,29; 15:18; 20:3; 16:32; 19:11) 3. Consider Consequences (Proverbs 22:24-25; 12:16; 17:14,19; 26:21; 14:22; 17:17) KEY VERSE: Proverbs 17:17 BIBLICAL TRUTH God expects His people to build and to maintain healthy relationships with one another. LIFE IMPACT To help you work wisely to build and maintain h...

A Message from Guest: 2 English Martyrs - Ridley and Latimer

Martyred 1555 Ridley and Latimer appeared together September 30, 1555 in Oxford before a panel of bishops to answer the charges of heresy that had been brought against them. Ridley was examined first. The Bishop of Lincoln began by urging Ridley to recant and submit himself to the Pope. "If you will renounce your errors, recant your heretical and seditious opinions, consent to yield yourself to the undoubted faith and truth of the gopel ... authority is given to us to receive you, to reconcile you, and upon due penance to join you into Christ's Church." The bishop stressed three points: • That the Pope was descended from Peter, who was the foundation of the Church. • That the early Church fathers confessed the Pope's supremacy in their writings. • That Ridley once believed this himself. Ridley replied to the three points. First, he said, it was not Peter who was the Church's foundation, but Peter's confession that Christ was the Son of God. This belief is the ...

A Message from Guest: 2 English Martyrs -Hugh Latimer

A Message from Guest: 2 English Martyrs Hugh Latimer: Martyr Hugh Latimer was born about 1485, the son of a wealthy farmer with a good reputation. At the age of four, he was sent to school and trained in literature; at fourteen, he entered Cambridge University where he continued in ordinary studies, and then concentrated on studying theology, the kind the ignorance of that age allowed, and was a zealous observer of the Roman Catholic superstitions of the time. He was ordained a priest in 1510. Latimer was a bitter enemy of the Protestant reformers, but God was to intervene. It was surely God's grace that moved the Cambridge reformer, Thomas Bilney, who was burned at the stake for heresy in 1532, to go to Latimer's study and ask him to hear his confession. Latimer willingly agreed, thinking perhaps that Bilney might be returning to the Roman Catholic religion. But during the confession, Latimer was so affected by Bilney's faith in Christ that he began to question him about ...


WHAT ABOUT HEAVENLY REWARDS Background Passage: Luke 19:1-48 Lesson Passage: Luke 19:12-27 BIBLICAL SETTING 1. Salvation for Zaccaeus (Luke 19:1-10) 2. Parable for the Disciples (Luke 19:11-27) 3. Concern for Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-44) 4. Respect for the Temple (Luke 19:45-48) LESSON PASSAGE OUTLINE 1. Faithfulness is Expected (Luke 19:12-14) 2. Faithfulness is Rewarded (Luke 19:15-19) 3. Unfaithfulness is Displeasing (Luke 19:20-23) 4. Unfaithfulness is Costly (Luke 19:24-27) KEY BIBLE VERSE Luke 19:26 BIBLICAL TRUTH Believers have the assurance of heavenly rewards for faithful service. LIFE IMPACT To help you help you serve God faithfully. FAITHFULNESS IS EXPECTED (LUKE 19:12-14) (Luke 19:12) He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into afar country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. The "certain nobleman" represents the Lord Jesus Christ. He will receive the kingdom from his Father — not from us. He is not asking anyone to vote for Him the ne...